Every week, I plan to have a "HISSY FIT FRIDAY". This will be the day that I empty the overflowing bucket of thoughts that cross my mind throughout the week. These thoughts may be complaints, pet peeves, curiosities, and things that just blow my mind.
Please feel free to comment with your own "HISSY FIT".
Below is the definition of a hissy fit (according to Urban Dictionary).
hissy fit |
noun. A sudden outburst of temper, often used to describe female anger at something trivial. Originally regional from American South. Thought to originate from contraction of "hysterical fit."

- Mopeds. They do not belong on our curvy mountain roads or ANYWHERE else for that matter. The driver of the liquorcycle is in constant danger along with all other motorists on the road. If it is a must to have them, they should be inspected, tagged, taxed, and insured... just like every other vehicle.
- Ants. Why won't the ants leave me alone in my house? I clean all surfaces of my kitchen thoroughly. They still make their way in and make a sprint for my kitchen counters and mostly my trashcan. Then, they tell all the other ants in their colony to come check out my kitchen counters and trashcan. I have used sprays, cinnamon, borax, salt... you name it, I've tried it. If anyone has a solution to this problem, I would appreciate it.
- Bangs. What was I thinking? I decided I wanted bangs at my last haircut. They drive me CRAZY! They are constantly in my face, tickling my forehead, in my eyes. I have been so tempted to just chop them off, if it didn't mean that the process would start all over again.
- Time. It's going waaaaay too fast. My children will be retired before I know it. One is eight years old and the other is three months, by the way.
- Misunderstanding. The word is moot, not mute. And the phrase is, " I couldn't care less." It is not, "I could care less." The latter wouldn't make very much since, now would it?
- Photos. Someone please explain why people take photos of themselves in the mirror? And why are they always in the bathroom?
- School Supplies. Why should I send top notch supplies to school with my daughter- intended for HER use- only for them to be used as "community" supplies? Why not assess the supplies each child brings, when someone is lacking, THEN ask for donations. I think that would work way better.
That wraps up my first "HISSY FIT FRIDAY". Thanks for listening.
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